pokémon earrings


made out of authentic pokémon cards, resin, and a touch of glitter for decoration, these earrings are the newest addition to the fashion segment of my boutique. wear your favourite pokémon on your ears!

available in three different styles — a completely matching pair with the same pokémon from the same cards (e.g. sneasel, as pictured); mismatched pairs with the same one pokémon, but different art (e.g. skitty, as pictured); two different pokémon from the same evolution line (e.g. shinx & luxray, as pictured).

choose your very own pair from the drop-down menu!

choose your pokémon!:
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made out of authentic pokémon cards, resin, and a touch of glitter for decoration, these earrings are the newest addition to the fashion segment of my boutique. wear your favourite pokémon on your ears!

available in three different styles — a completely matching pair with the same pokémon from the same cards (e.g. sneasel, as pictured); mismatched pairs with the same one pokémon, but different art (e.g. skitty, as pictured); two different pokémon from the same evolution line (e.g. shinx & luxray, as pictured).

choose your very own pair from the drop-down menu!

made out of authentic pokémon cards, resin, and a touch of glitter for decoration, these earrings are the newest addition to the fashion segment of my boutique. wear your favourite pokémon on your ears!

available in three different styles — a completely matching pair with the same pokémon from the same cards (e.g. sneasel, as pictured); mismatched pairs with the same one pokémon, but different art (e.g. skitty, as pictured); two different pokémon from the same evolution line (e.g. shinx & luxray, as pictured).

choose your very own pair from the drop-down menu!

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